
How can we help you?

Dota2菠菜是为斯塔克县的早期和初创公司提供一站式服务的机构, OH. 该联盟在创建和发展企业的各个方面提供帮助,包括Dota2菠菜, recruiting management, financing, real estate, product innovation, mentoring and coaching, legal and accounting, and more.

我们与其他项目的不同之处在于,我们有资源来帮助涉及技术的更复杂的初创企业, capital investments and national or global sales opportunities.

We welcome you to browse our Website, get acquainted with our partners, 查看我们的活动日历,花点时间了解我们的服务和我们的全部内容. 然后致电330-453-5900或使用我们方便的申请表格与我们联系以寻求帮助. We look forward to hearing from you.

SEA的资金主要来自斯塔克社区基金会(Stark Community Foundation)从广州信贷局小企业基金中拨出的一笔为期三年的慈善赠款,以及Innis Maggiore的捐款.


The Stark Entrepreneurship Alliance is a virtual network to assist start-up, early-stage and small/medium-sized companies in the Stark County, OH area.

The partner organizations include Stark State College, Walsh University, Small Business Development Center (Kent State University at Stark), University of Mount Union, Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce, North Canton Chamber of Commerce, Impact Angel Fund, Incubox, ystark!, JumpStart, Braintree Business Development Center, Score, Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio, Inc., and Stark Economic Development Board.

Our goal is to be a single point of entry for companies seeking assistance in their formation, growth and sustained viability. 该联盟在创建和发展企业的各个方面提供帮助,包括Dota2菠菜, recruiting management, financing, real estate, product innovation, mentoring and coaching, legal and accounting, and more.

What makes us different from similar programs is that we have the willingness, experience and resources to assist more complex start-ups involving technology, capital investments and national or global sales opportunities.

支持斯塔克县创业活动的发展,包括初创企业的发展以及现有小企业的成长和改进. Our ultimate objective is to create new employment opportunities and economic growth in our region.

该联盟将利用其行政和财政资源,建立一个由关键组织和专业人士组成的虚拟网络,通过利用现有的项目和服务来支持创业,从而完成其使命, 当这些功能目前还不可用时,通过与合作伙伴一起构建新的资源和产品.

Our Partners

Stark Economic Development BoardStark Economic Development Board

The Stark Economic Development Board, Inc., is a private, nonprofit corporation engaged in economic development activities in Stark County. The Board’s mission is to retain, expand and attract business investment in the area. HCDC, Inc. 现在通过与斯塔克经济发展委员会合作提供SBA 504和俄亥俄地区166贷款来帮助我们社区的小企业.

Impact Angel FundImpact Angel Fund

Impact Angel Fund 是一个风险投资基金,有来自8个县的30多个私人投资者,以及来自俄亥俄州第三前沿项目的配套资金. We will invest in early-stage technology companies in our region and throughout Ohio.

Canton regional Chamber of CommerceCanton Regional Chamber of Commerce

– The Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization of nearly 1,600 institutions and individuals dedicated to the advancement of the economic, industrial, professional, cultural and civic welfare of Stark County. The mission of the Canton Regional Chamber of Commerce is to serve our members through partnerships, programs, services and events to advance the economic growth of Canton and the Stark County region.

North Canton Chamber of CommerceNorth Canton Area Chamber of Commerce

– The Since 1959, the North Canton Area Chamber of Commerce has been the leading business organization in our area, collaborating, facilitating and advocating for our members and community. We’re dedicated to promoting development, 保留和扩大当地业务,同时为社区计划和项目投入大量时间和资源.


JumpStart is a nationally recognized nonprofit serving to accelerate the success of diverse entrepreneurs, their high growth companies, and the ecosystems supporting them. JumpStart的Dota2菠菜是提高俄亥俄州东北部创业生态系统的经济影响力和可持续性, while leveraging JumpStart’s experience and expertise to catalyze entrepreneurship.

Small Business Development Center Kent State University StarkSmall Business Development Center, Kent State University at Stark

– The Small Business Development Center, Kent State University at Stark is a fully funded, nonprofit organization devoted to helping small businesses grow and individuals start new, small businesses. SBDC通过事先安排的培训项目和咨询会议来做到这一点.

Stark State CollegeStark State College

Stark State College provides quality, high-value associate degrees, certificates and professional development in a diverse, student-centered learning environment. The College is dedicated to lifelong learning, affordability, transferable higher education and career success. Quality of life is advanced through access, inclusion, stewardship and business and community partnerships.

Incubox AllianceINCUBOX

– Established through a cooperative effort between the City of Alliance, University of Mount Union and Alliance Area Development, INCUBOX is a local business incubator program to launch ideas and accelerate the growth of businesses. With offices on the campus of the University of Mount Union, INCUBOX孵化各种各样的公司,同时将学生和当地企业家与现实世界的创业环境联系起来, early stage and successful business operations. Incubox also oversees an intense mentor-driven program.

University of Mount UnionUniversity of Mount Union

– Students at the University of Mount Union 积极参与一个刻意充满活力的私立大学环境,拥有卓越的校园和设施. Students benefit from preparation that is personal, 21世纪实用和相关的教育,结合了不懈相关的学术课程与经验和研究为重点的学习. Mount Union has an Entrepreneurship minor available to all students.

Walsh UniversityWalsh University

Walsh University is an independent, coeducational Catholic, liberal arts and sciences institution. Founded by the Brothers of Christian Instruction, Dota2菠菜网致力于通过以价值观为基础的教育,以犹太-基督教传统的国际视野,教育学生成为服务他人的领导者. Walsh offers an MBA in Entrepreneurship as part of its graduate business program.


ystark! is an organization that is committed to improving our community through knowledge, leadership and participation. ystark! is here to develop a young, involved and educated workforce for area businesses. We want our business partners to know that we’re out there, attracting and retaining diverse young professionals to this area. For our business partners, ystark! represents unlimited access to a pool of the sharpest, most engaged YPs around.

Junior Achievement of East Central OhioJunior Achievement of East Central Ohio

– The programs offered by Junior Achievement of East Central Ohio 通过向年轻人展示如何创造财富和有效地管理财富,帮助他们为现实世界做好准备, 如何创造就业机会,使他们的社区更加强大,如何将创业思维应用于工作场所.

Braintree Business DevelopmentBraintree Business Development Center

– The Braintree Business Development Center 是俄亥俄州东北部一个支持小企业的非营利性地区创业援助组织(通常称为企业孵化器)吗. Since 1986 over one hundred start-up companies have found their first home with us. We focus on advanced manufacturing, alternative energy, information technology, bioscience, and agriculture/food processing.

ScoreCanton SCORE

– The Canton, OH Chapter 提供免费和保密的商业建议和咨询,以满足您的小企业和个人目标的需要. We also offer workshops for both start-up and in-business entrepreneurs.

Our Services

该联盟将协助斯塔克县地区的早期或初创公司和中小型企业. 该联盟的目标是为这些寻求帮助的公司创建一个“一站式”或单一入口点, growth and sustained viability. The Alliance will provide assistance in all aspects of creating and growing a business including, but not limited to, the following:

Business Consulting

– Providing professional or expert advice is important to entrepreneurs growing a company. 小企业发展中心(SBDC)或斯塔克经济发展委员会(SEDB)提供的免费服务最初可以加以利用. For more complex start-ups involving new technologies, subject matter experts and mentors will be engaged to assist entrepreneurs in company growth.

Equity or Debt Financing

-联盟合作伙伴可以获得区域和地方基金,为那些可以通过新产品或在许多情况下使用新技术开发的流程显著发展其公司的企业家提供资金. Conventional loans and federal, 合作伙伴还可以探索州和地方融资计划,以帮助公司发展.

Management Recruiting

——对初创公司来说,招聘管理是一项对年轻公司成长至关重要的服务. 一些联盟合作伙伴可以直接协助这一职能,或者有可以协助招聘工作的联系人.

Product Innovation

– Several regional and local organizations can assist in services relating to product development. 联盟合作伙伴还可以接触到相关领域的专家,他们也可以在产品创新方面指导企业家.

Legal and Accounting

– Especially with new technologies, 需要法律服务来协助获得专利,以保护企业家发展公司. 合伙人将能够推荐能为早期公司提供专业服务的律师或会计师.

Incubation Space

-一些联盟合作伙伴提供孵化空间,以选择新技术公司(办公室和产品开发空间). As part of this service, several of the Partners keep accurate, up-to-date listings of buildings and sites available for lease or purchase.


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